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Peers & Pages

Peers & Pages was founded in August 2020 for 11-16 year olds
The main aim of the book club is to develop participants reading and reasoning skills, for young people to take control of their love of books and to be able to view their opinion in a safe environment.
We read non-fiction or fiction.
All our texts are geared towards GCSE English, we teach the young persons to analyse the text and what is the authors thoughts when writing the books.
Why is reading important?
It helps young people to learn to make sense not only of the world around them but also building social emotional skills with people and course imagination.
We have debates and discussions every week and encourage everyone to participate.
Secondary schools are aware that significant numbers of pupils are lacking basic literacy skills.
The ability to read is fundamental life skill.
Lockdown has affected our children’s reading and comprehension , we have qualified teachers running the sessions.
We read books at the pace of young people, this is the key importance.
We meet every Wednesday from 18:30-19:25 on zoom this service is free of charge.

We have had positive feedback from parents and the significant progress in understanding in their reading and their confidence in reasoning and debating.

ZOOM ID: 475 959 9204


Books We Have Read

Books We Have Read:

Of mice and men

Romeo and Juliet

Edge of Promise



Romeo and Juliet

The boy in the striped Pyjamas:


Music School

Our music school aims to provide all students with high quality music education which engages and inspires the children and young people to develop a lifelong love of music, increases their self-confidence and imagination and provides opportunities to play at live advents.


Oakwood Youth Challenge  based in Wokingham

Took 45 teens across London for the weekend, incredibly impressive set up.
We was able to motivate, inspire and see lives transformed.

Oakwood 2022

Oakwood 2023

Henley Fort is located in Guildford. It’s outdoor education facility offering groups a chance to take part in challenging activities. All activities are delivered by experienced and qualified outdoor educators’ instructors.

Holiday Camps

These Camps run during the Holidays ( Easter and Summer)

Look Below for Easter Camp 2022&2023 ; Summer Camp 2023

  1. High Ashurst
  2. Easter 2023
  3. Summer 2023
  4. Easter 2024

Easter Camp 2024

Tuesday- Scavanger Hunt & park

Wednesday – Ice Skating

Thursday Pulka Theatre

Friday-The O2 & Cable cars

Accelerate.Increase.Momentum @2022

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About A.I.M

c/0 Bame Offices

Vestry Hall

London , Mitcham


T: 07946 371535